06 AUG 2024

While the puzzlement of the next is still there the day starts with… The shorthanded review from the trailer reads: Each night, young Nemo goes to Slumberland and has adventures and befriends the king of Slumberland, Morpheus. But one night Nemo discovers Nightmare Land, and the evil nightmare king, throwing Slumberland and Nemo into danger. And yes, by the end a new link to click, do share the title from this week’s comic pages that should win. Those pages get heavier reviews to build better pages going forward.

Away Forward Ink the Path
The Hustle is open p6

Mitchel: (thinking) This seems to be fed by the grass for getting the job.
Jane: Signing the flyer for… Oh sorry.
The Clone Did It
Details in the words. p6

Jenny: What is to be pushed out next?
La Tinta
A new spin. p6

Hmm… Why such a jump in the difference?
The first movie is a teen and the second is a kid’s movie.
Level nuances for each group.
Okay, why?
Nope, BED!
The cat eye spy p6

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