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Away-ink: The unseen is to show


27 Aug 2024

The quibbles of the scribbles

Away-ink: The unseen is to show

“Puzzlement” is a title and feeling after this week as the learn of the comic strips was undertaking this week and the pieces of comics can be placed about and thought of. Given a better feeling the comic page presented by Away-ink. What will the next month of pages build to the webcomic website that is built?

The Clone Did It

The small line is more

The small line is more p6

Linda: Block that and make a call.

(Linda To Ceja Rose)

Linda: This is Mis Canox calling from the HC call line services regarding the open conversation on the system. The call was made public. The data has been placed private if it should be rereleased as a public document. Please confirm in this call.

No Tapping

Setting the strings to be told for lunch.

No Tapping The meet is set p1

Worker: Is there a chance to add a little constructive thinking?

No Tapping Setting the strings to be told for lunch.

Terry: Of course there is. What would it be?

Worker: The story until the ending part sounds very colorful and the last part turns to just black and white. It leaves a mind to wonder if it’s true.

Terry: The oddness of the caged pet and probably… The part of the story is truth. There was a tree knocked over. Then refuge was sought in a bush waiting to see the tree fixed. It was a test from the caged pets.

Worker: Okay, one last thing is there going to be sales?

No Tapping The meet is set p1

La Tinta

Yarn of the ant

Yarn of the ant two p5

Clump: Where is the magic that makes it work?

Yarn of the ant two p6

A couch has many yarns to tell, and confusion comes when trying to see through the ball. A straightened line tells more, but no less confusion. The dust clumping turned to grim, now seeking to find strong and hyper-dirty.

Away Forward Ink the path

The con is on.

The con is on. p6

Shadow Officer: The information for the forest steward job suggests that there might be one other candidate for the title. Either way, the papers, mister…

Mitchel: Charlton.

Shadow Officer: Hmm, never heard that name before, but swear to know the face.

Mitchel: It is known from the present, so from now on, a justified thinking.


The Island unseen

The island not seen p6

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Away-Ink: La Tinta, Away forward ink the path, The clone did it, And Puzzlement
Away-Ink: La Tinta, Away forward ink the path, The clone did it, And Puzzlement
Away-Ink: La Tinta, Away forward ink the path, The clone did it, And Puzzlement

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