10 Nov 2024
A clicking of the headline
Away-ink: The walls are lined with views

The host Empiric
The comic lines here have changed over time on the website. Debuting back in Oct 2022. With only the pages of “Away Forward Ink the Path.” And after this week the first full book of eighty pages ends, and the slow-moving lines evolved. The same can be said for comics over the centuries, influenced by various artistic and cultural traditions. Here’s a concise breakdown of the key milestones:
• Ancient Origins: The earliest forms of sequential storytelling can be traced back to ancient civilizations, such as Egyptian hieroglyphs, Trajan’s Column in Rome, and the Bayeux Tapestry. These precursors demonstrate the use of illustration for narrative purposes.
• Indian Tradition: In India, a long-standing tradition of picture performers narrating stories through painted pictures dates back to at least 700 BCE. This tradition also gave rise to shadow play with jointed puppets.
• Medieval Evolution: The speech balloon evolved from medieval labels, often in the form of scrolls, which identified characters. Artists like George Cruikshank helped codify these labels as balloons, although they were still referred to as labels at this time.
• 19th-Century Cartoons: Cartoons originated in England and America in the early 1800s, primarily as satirical and political commentary in newspapers and periodicals. Thomas Nast, a prominent cartoonist, played a significant role in exposing corruption, including bringing down “Boss” Tweed’s political machine in 1870s New York.
• Comic Books Emergence: The first modern American-style comic book, Famous Funnies: A Carnival of Comics, was released in 1933 and featured reprinted newspaper strips. By 1938, publishers began printing original material in the new format, paving the way for the creation of superheroes.
• Superhero Era: The 1938 debut of Superman marked the beginning of the superhero era, which led to the development of iconic characters and storylines. The Justice Society of the 1940s and the Justice League of the 1960s, with their respective Green Lanterns, demonstrate the evolution of these characters and their interconnected storylines.
Away Forward Ink the Path
The walls are lined with views

The Clone Did It
A mapping of space

Avant: Two parks that lie to the east and west flanking the lake. It may be the center but far from the heart, the main ecosystem of the tonic’s wealth is a torrent from the man-made lake and not just the power grid. It’s the trading that makes things move from the aqueduct road.
A hero is hiding

La Tinta
then it all tilted

This place looks empty.
Seems there is another place to see the path.
Fluffy: Oh, look a guide back to the place.
The quibbles of the scribbles

A heavier break day today and the push was to go the other way for the introductions.

Didn’t the “Away Forward Ink the Path” comic to start there help?

Yes, it was used, and to the readers
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